Can I improve my emotional intelligence?

Can I Improve My Emotional Intelligence? 12 Ways to Boost EQ

Can I improve my emotional intelligence?

Welcome! You’re in the Right Place

Are you having difficulty in controlling your emotions? Or have you recently come to know that there is a way to deal with emotions by emotional intelligence? Or, do you want to conquer yourself? Perhaps you are wondering how I can succeed by improving this skill and implementing it in practical life. Well, you are at the right place. I will answer all your questions in this article, including your question, “Can I improve my emotional intelligence?” and give valuable information that not only you will gain knowledge, but you will also learn how to implement this skill in the real world free of charge.

Emotional intelligence is a necessary skill and is a major part of your life. You should learn to conquer your emotions instead of letting emotions conquer you.

“If you conquer yourself, then you conquer the world.”

― Paulo Coelho

I hope you already know this quote. If not, then you now know. This quote has a deep meaning within it. It also reflects some part of emotional intelligence that is necessary to conquer yourself.

Can I improve my emotional intelligence?

Yes, you surely can. To develop and improve your emotional intelligence skills, you have to accept your emotions and let them pass instead of fighting them by practicing emotional intelligence skills and practices, which I will uncover in the article. I hope you will benefit. These practices will make your life positive and successful. Now, let’s jump into it.

Why You Should Keep Reading

Why you should keep reading

Emotional intelligence is something you can improve, and you’ve just learned that you can do exactly that, but there’s so much more you can do to get efficient about it. I’ll unpack each step so you can put this into action right away.

Ways to improve Emotional Intelligence:

In various situations, sometimes you are experiencing different emotions like anger, stress, anxiety, fear, sadness, happiness, joy, love, excitement, loss, loneliness, etc. All these emotions, if not properly controlled, can cause problems. There are the best practical ways that I mentioned to improve and develop emotional intelligence based on my personal experience, from which you can benefit yourself and achieve success in every aspect of life.

1. Be more self-aware

Self-awareness is one of the skills of emotional intelligence in which you are self-aware of the emotions and feelings of yourself and others and know how to respond emotionally to emotions such as anger, anxiety, fear, happiness, joy, etc. of yourself and others. Track your emotions and be aware of which emotion caused you which feelings to know to improve this skill and make yourself stronger.

2. Recognize how others feel

Knowing others’ feelings plays an important role in emotional intelligence, which can help you communicate and convey your message effectively.

One of the ways to recognize others’ feelings is through their body language instead of their facial expressions. Focus on the tone of their voice instead of the words. Our brain believes non-verbal cues more than verbal cues.

Another way is knowing how they respond to you. Ask questions, listen more to them, talk less, and give full attention.

3. Practice active listening

An active listener can easily judge the emotions and reactions of others. You can develop this skill by giving full attention and time to others’ verbal and non-verbal communication and making them believe that you understand their message by responding to them and asking questions. In this way, you will not only form a healthy, respectful relationship with others but you will also read their emotions and know how to respond to them with emotional intelligence.

4. Communicate clearly

Clear communication is very important in emotional intelligence. By mastering this skill, you will know what words would be best to speak and write, which will build strong relationships. Communicate as much as possible and also allow others to communicate with you as well. To master this skill, you have to work on your communication skills.

In the beginning, you will find it difficult to select the right words for communication. But after some practice, your brain will automatically pick those words and tones for you that are effective for communicating properly.

First of all,

  • You will have to learn how to control and hide your emotions under various situations and,
  • Then work on your communication skills.

I hope that you will learn to communicate clearly and build strong relationships by practicing communication skills

5. Stay positive

Emotionally intelligent people always stay positive. They try to remain positive even if the situation is completely negative because they know that negativity will remove all of the energy and hope from them and will make them depressed. They know that negativity is good for nothing and bad for everything. So, they adopt positivity, which keeps them calm and relaxed and helps them in stressful and panic situations. It gives them hope when they seem to have no hope. By improving this skill, you can become an emotionally intelligent person.

6. Empathize

Empathizing involves feeling and understanding others’ emotions and experiences by putting yourself in their situation and imagining that these feelings and experiences were your own.

If you are aware of and recognize others’ feelings, then empathizing and adding emotions to their feelings can result in building stronger connections. Empathizing with others’ feelings even if you don’t have feelings like others will make them comfortable and relaxed. This skill is a great way to improve emotional intelligence.

7. Be open-minded

Emotionally intelligent people are open-minded and ready to obtain new information and adjust their previously obtained information with it. They accept others’ opinions with curiosity instead of refusing them by making judgments and challenging their beliefs, which helps them grow emotionally intelligent. They obtain various strategies for finding a solution to their emotional challenges, which makes their emotional intelligence more accurate.

To practice this skill, leave your ego behind and believe that you are in a learning stage no matter how perfect and experienced you believe yourself. No one is perfect and you should always be open to others’ feelings and opinions that will increase and polish your knowledge and eventually, it will become easier for you to build strong bonds with others.

8. Listen to feedback

Listening to others’ feedback helps in understanding how others see your emotions and how you respond to them. This tells you the areas in which you are good and the areas that need improvement and will eventually help you grow emotionally. You should listen to others’ feedback, whether it is good or bad, because it will help you get a better understanding of yourself.

To practice this skill, you need to remain calm without getting angry or depressed or losing your temperament if the feedback is critical. You need to have tolerance in yourself. But if the feedback is positive, don’t get yourself filled with over-happiness, and keep your emotions in control.

9. Stay calm under pressure

There are many stressful situations that we face in our lives, such as exams, delivering projects before the deadline, etc. Emotionally intelligent people keep their minds calm and relaxed and do their tasks efficiently. This skill enables you to face challenges instead of running away or losing hope to complete them.

To practice this skill, do breathing exercises and meditation to achieve calmness that will allow you to respond thoughtfully and will ultimately improve your decision-making power in difficult situations.

10. Recognize your emotions and name them

Recognizing your emotions is also as important as recognizing others’ emotions. This is a two-way approach that will enable you to improve your emotional intelligence. Identifying your emotions will help you regulate your emotions and you will manage your emotions more effectively

11. Read literature

Reading literature and gaining knowledge on emotional intelligence will help you discover ways of improving emotional intelligence. You will develop strong emotional skills such as self-awareness, motivation, and social skills by reading and practicing, which will enable you to succeed in every aspect of life.

12. Understand what motivates you

Motivation is the energy within us that helps us to work hard for our goals. Daniel Goleman has divided motivation into four things:

  • Power to do better
  • Being focused on achieving goals
  • Acting quickly, if there is any opportunity
  • Staying positive during hard times.

             These four main points of motivation are crucial for success, which come from inside and push you towards success. By combining smartness, such as emotional intelligence, with motivation, you can easily achieve success. By knowing the reasons and feelings that motivate you, you can easily control your motivation and emotions and direct it in the right direction of achieving your goals.

Start from today:

Start improving your emotional intelligence from today. It is not a one-day game. Practice these skills every day to improve your EI, which will finally improve your relationships, decision-making power, and wellbeing. Improving emotional intelligence is a long journey in which you have to be persistent and consistent. Divide your goals into smaller parts so they are easily achievable and practice these skills regularly and apply them in every aspect of life. Gradually, you will discover a bright and positive change in yourself

Thanks for reading my article. Please keep visiting for more interesting articles about emotional intelligence.

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